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ReCONSTRUCT : Neural Synth


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Unlock Limitless Sound Possibilities

If you’re a music enthusiast searching for innovative tools to enhance your creative process, look no further than ReCONSTRUCT. This virtual instrument harnesses the power of neural networks to generate unique instruments and timbres, providing a gateway to new sonic experiences for musicians and producers alike.

Unleash Your Sonic Imagination

ReCONSTRUCT utilizes advanced neural networks to generate new instruments and unparalleled timbres. With just a few initial parameters, you can unlock a world of sonic possibilities, allowing the neural network to take creative control and produce astonishing sound variations.


Key Features

  • Automated Timbre Generation: With ReCONSTRUCT, you don’t need to be an expert in sound synthesis. Simply set a few initial parameters and let the neural network do the heavy lifting, generating complex and immersive timbres for you to explore.
  • User-Friendly Interface: The ReCONSTRUCT interface was developed with the assistance of artificial intelligence to provide an intuitive and hassle-free experience. You don’t need to be a programming guru to harness the full potential of this virtual instrument.
  • Flexible Integration: ReCONSTRUCT seamlessly integrates with major digital audio workstations (DAWs), ensuring that you can easily incorporate it into your existing music production workflow.
  • Free Limited Version: Experience ReCONSTRUCT for free with our limited version. Unlock the ability to generate timbres using the neural network and explore the creative potential of this groundbreaking technology.
  • Full Version: Craving complete control over the generated parameters? Upgrade to the full version of ReCONSTRUCT for only $29 and unlock advanced features, allowing you to refine and personalize your timbres according to your musical preferences.

Push Your Music to New Frontiers

ReCONSTRUCT is a powerful tool for musicians seeking inspiration and sonic exploration. Whether you’re a curious beginner or a seasoned producer, ReCONSTRUCT offers a universe of creative possibilities, enabling you to craft unique sounds and venture into uncharted musical territories.


Don’t miss the opportunity to experience the power of neural network timbre generation. Awaken your sonic imagination and elevate your music to unexplored realms. Click the link below to purchase ReCONSTRUCT today!



If you want to help a micro developer to keep producing cool instruments and effects.
You can donate at this QR Code. 🙂

    • VST / VST3 / AAX  for Windows 64bit. VST / VST3 / AU / AAX  for Mac 64bit.
    • Minimum Systems Required: Win 8.1 / OSX 10.13
    • Questions? suggestions? send an email [email protected]
    • No serial is required to use the FREE version, the serial will only be sent after purchasing the FULL version.